Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is a Wiki


What is a Wiki?

  • Check the following video; ‘Wikis in plain English’, on
  • Go to the wikipedia website. What kind of Wiki is this? Have you used it before?

Now that you have become familiar with the concept of a Wiki, you may go to Here you’ll find a lot of information about How-to do things.

As you can see, the wikiHow website has a few tabs; Article, Discussion, Edit, History, Share and Watch. Search for an article of your interest or click on one of the ‘Featured Articles’ in the left column.

  1. Click on the Discussion tab. You will see that other people made comments. You can make comments yourself, if appropriate.
  2. Click on the Edit tab. Everyone can make changes to the article here.
  3. The History tab will show you dates and times when people made a contribution to the article.
  4. When you click on the Watch tab it will add the article to your ‘My Watchlist (left column). This will allow you to keep up to date with changes and contribution to a particular wikiHow.



Task: Search for ‘Origami Bunny’. Ask for a piece of paper from your teacher and follow the steps to create your own Origami Bunny.


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